So we've been here a month, and its been great! I'm not sure we've been clear about what the home's purpose is or about the situation of the children, so I'll explain a little bit. These kids are from very poor area's in Peru, most live in what the doctor calls, "the provinces", which means on the side of a mountain. The streets are not paved, there is no water supply or electricity, the homes are very simple, with dirt floors. Their families are very poor and the health care near where they might live is either very poor or simply non-existant. When the child becomes ill or gets injured the parents struggle very much to get them somewhere to be treated. If the family is fortunate than eventually the kids will end up in Lima, because the care is the best there. But because the illnesses and injuries are serious the children need therapy, follow up visits, or a series of surgerys which are in Lima. For most getting to and from Lima is very difficult, a day or two travel time one way at best. The families can't afford to travel so often or to stay for months or even years in Lima for the treatment, thats where the home comes in. The home is a place where children can stay while they need the medical help. The families are also in capable of paying for the medical care so while they are at the home, they receive free medical care from the hired nurses who are always on duty. Also all of their therapy, surgery's, and appointments in Lima are paid for. The children do not have be go to Lima everyday or even every week but as long as they need care they will stay in the home. During their time their the doctor also pays for their schooling. They go to private Catholic schools or are tutored in the home, and for most of them it is their first opportunity to go to school. In addition to these things, the recieve catechism classes every sunday and those who have not recieved certain sacraments or are of age they are taught and recieve the sacraments that they need. All the children that are capable have chores that they do everyday in addition to Saturday which is cleaning day.
Our job is to pitch in a much as possible, just making sure that the day goes smoothly. Also we go into Lima a few times a week with immobile children to help take them to their doctors appointments. Many children can't bring themselves to the bathroom so we bring them.
Please continue praying for all of us here, kids and volunteers.
Andrea and Kelli
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